SUCCESS-supported Activity
Webinar on Competition Ordinance
(This webinar will be live-streamed on 16 January 2024)
This webinar is organised by the Competition Commission. SUCCESS is one of the supporting organisations. In this webinar, representatives from the Competition Commission will provide an overview of the Competition Ordinance, dos and don’ts under the Ordinance, red flags of anti-competitive practices and Leniency and Cooperation Policies, as well as competition law case studies. (This webinar will be conducted in Cantonese.)
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Increase of Statutory Holidays
Starting from 2024, the first weekday after Christmas Day will be a newly added statutory holiday under the Employment Ordinance. Other relevant provisions in relation to the statutory holidays under the Employment Ordinance remain unchanged, including the arrangement of holiday, an employee’s eligibility for holiday pay and pay rate, and restriction on the employer making any form of payment to the employee in lieu of granting a holiday.
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Download GovHK Notifications Mobile Application and Receive Workplace Consultation Information
The Labour Department (LD) releases information related to the Employment Ordinance (“EO”) and good human resource management through the GovHK Notifications mobile application (“the App”), including amendments on the EO, seminars on the EO and Good Employer Charter, etc. Users of the App who are interested in related information the LD delivered through the App can select “Workplace Consultation Related Information” under “Category” on the menu of the App to receive corresponding notifications.
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Application period for Film Production Financing Scheme relaxation measures further extended
The Government introduced time-limited relaxation measures to the Film Production Financing Scheme (FPFS) under the Film Development Fund in mid-July 2020, with the objectives of encouraging more commercial investment in film production, increasing the number of local film productions in the short term and creating more development opportunities for local film practitioners during the COVID-19 pandemic. The implementation of the relaxation measures has achieved satisfactory results so far. Having regard to the positive feedback from the sector, the deadline for application under the FPFS with relaxation measures will be further extended for one year to 14 January 2025. The Government will consolidate the experiences from implementation of the relaxation measures so as to enhance the scheme.
"Seventeen film production projects have been approved under the relaxed scheme. Many of them, such as 'Chilli Laugh Story', have achieved outstanding box office performances. Among the approved projects, 'A Guilty Conscience', which was theatrically released in 2023, also became the highest-grossing Chinese film in Hong Kong, with a box office of over $100 million. This further extension will drive more Hong Kong film productions and promote the sector's long-term development," the Chairman of the Hong Kong Film Development Council, Dr Wilfred Wong, said.
Details of the relaxation measures and the relevant application form are available on the website of the Hong Kong Film Development Council (
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Transitional period for registration under Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones Regulatory Regime has ended
The Customs and Excise Department (C&ED) announced on 1 January 2024 that the nine-month transitional period for registration (i.e. April to December 2023) under the Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones Regulatory Regime has ended. Existing dealers who have already submitted an application for registration during the transitional period are regarded as deemed registrants, until their applications are approved, rejected or withdrawn.
According to the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance (Cap. 615), the Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones Regulatory Regime has come into effect since 1 April 2023. Any person who is seeking to carry on a business of dealing in precious metals and stones in Hong Kong and engage in any transaction(s) (whether making or receiving a payment) with total value at or above HK$120,000 in Hong Kong is required to register with the Commissioner of Customs and Excise. Any dealer, other than a registrant, claims to be a registrant, claims to be authorised to carry out, or carries out any cash or non-cash transaction(s) with total value at or above HK$120,000 is liable on conviction to a maximum fine of HK$100,000 and imprisonment for six months.
With the expiry of the transitional period, all dealers who submit their applications for registration from 1 January 2024 onwards must successfully obtain relevant registration before they can carry out any cash or non-cash transaction(s) with total value at or above HK$120,000. Besides, the registration and relevant fees will no longer be waived. For the forms, procedures and guidelines to submit applications for registration, please visit the website for Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones Registration System ( or the C&ED's webpage (
For enquiries, please call the enquiry hotlines at 3580 1483/3568 4248 (in Chinese) or 3580 1484 (in English), email to or visit the office of the Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones Supervision Bureau of the C&ED (address: 26/F, Revenue Tower, 5 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong) during office hours.
For relevant press release, please visit
Phase 2 services of Trade Single Window fully implemented early
The Government announced on 30 December 2023 that Phase 2 services of the Trade Single Window (TSW), covering a total of 28 types of trade documents, has been fully implemented ahead of schedule to further facilitate the trade.
A Government spokesman said, "The TSW provides a one-stop electronic platform for the trade to lodge business-to-government trade documents for trade declaration and cargo clearance. Phase 2 services of the TSW have been rolled out in batches since May this year (2023) and have been operating smoothly. The services covering the last batch of trade documents are rolled out smoothly today (30 December 2023), ahead of the original schedule, marking another significant milestone in the development of the TSW."
"Together with the 14 types of trade documents covered by Phase 1, TSW services have been expanded to cover a total of 42 types of trade documents (see Annex)."
In addition to significantly expanding the coverage, Phase 2 services of the TSW have also enhanced system functions to create better user experience. These include advanced account management functions, full support for the "iAM Smart" Platform, seamless interface with the information systems of relevant government departments, provision of notification service and functions to allow submissions in bulk. Since May 2023, the TSW electronic platform has issued over 20 000 licenses/permits under Phase 2 services.
"The Government will continue to provide support and enhance publicity to encourage the trade to register as users on the TSW website ( to enjoy the seamless e-services provided by the TSW in order to save time and cost. Implementation of the TSW will overhaul and enhance document submission workflows between relevant government departments and the trade, which will enhance the efficiency of cargo clearance in Hong Kong and consolidate Hong Kong's status as an international trade centre and logistics hub," the spokesman added.
The TSW is being implemented in three phases. Trade documents covered by the first two phases are mainly import and export licences/permits required for specific controlled goods, with the participation of the trade on a voluntary basis. The third and final phase of the TSW will involve a large number of document submitted by a wide range of stakeholders, covering Import and Export Declaration, Advance Cargo Information, Cargo Manifest and Cargo Report in respect of different transport modes, as well as applications for Certificate of Origin and Permit for Dutiable Commodities. The total volume of these documents was around 93 million in 2022. The Government aims to roll out Phase 3 services in batches from 2026 onwards.
The TSW project is taken forward by the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, while the Office of Trade Single Window Operation of the Customs and Excise Department oversees the operation of the TSW system and provides support for users through training, help-desk and hotline services. For enquiries, please contact the Office of Trade Single Window Operation at 2117 3348 or by email to
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Government launches Characteristic Local Tourism Incentive Scheme
The Characteristic Local Tourism Incentive Scheme (CTIS) accepts applications from eligible travel agents from 1 January 2024.
The Government launched the Cultural and Heritage Sites Local Tour Incentive Scheme (CHIS) in October 2022 which aims at incentivising the travel trade to develop more tourism products and itineraries with cultural and heritage elements. The CHIS received enthusiastic response from the trade with characteristic tourism products rolled out one after another. As such, the Government announced in the 2023 Policy Address that the CHIS will be transformed into the CTIS to provide more in-depth itinerary design, training, etc, with a view to further promoting the development of thematic tours, including national history, green ecology, marine, traditional culture, pop culture, intangible cultural heritage experiences, night time adventure, thereby promoting the long-term and sustainable development of tourism industry.
The CTIS is divided into two parts, namely the in-depth travel and thematic travel. The application period of in-depth travel will be from 1 January 2024 until 31 July 2024. Eligible travel agents may receive cash incentives in respect of each participant of in-depth travel they serve. Each eligible travel agent may apply for $200 cash incentives for each participant of in-depth travel it serves, and the quota for applying for the cash incentives is 100 participants each from local and inbound tour. The itinerary must cover at least two designated sites of in-depth travel and one interactive tourist experience activity with Hong Kong's unique and authentic experience recognised under the CTIS.
As regards the second part of thematic travel, each eligible travel agent may apply for $400 cash incentives for each participant of thematic travel it serves, and the quota for applying for the cash incentives is 100 participants each from local and inbound tour. Travel agent has to focus on six distinctive themes, including national history, green ecology, marine, traditional culture, pop culture, and creative travel in designing the itinerary and provide visitors with a captivating and in-depth travel experience in Hong Kong. Details of the application will be announced in mid-January, along with the promulgation of the six winning thematic itineraries under the Deeper into Hong Kong: Creative Itinerary Design Competition.
Itineraries applying for both in-depth travel and thematic travel cash incentives are required to meet the general requirements under the CTIS including reception by licensed tourist guides/tour escorts who have completed training courses recognised by the CTIS, transportation, insurance and meal arrangement, etc.
The Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong (TIC) is the implementation agent of the CTIS. In order to assist travel agents in organising more thematic tours, the TIC will liaise with different organisations to organise in-depth local tour docent training courses under the CTIS for licensed tourist guides and tour escorts, so as to further enhance the service quality of practitioners of the tourism industry.
Application details of the part of in-depth travel under the CTIS is now available on the website of the TIC (
For relevant press release, please visit
FEHD introduces online renewal services for some licences and permits
A spokesman for the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) said on 29 December 2023 that the FEHD has introduced online renewal services for some food business licences, restricted food permits and other trade licences (excluding General Restaurant/Light Refreshment Restaurant/Factory Canteen Licence and Karaoke Establishment Permit). Members of the public can visit the FEHD's website ( for details on types of licences and permits to which the online renewal services are applicable. Following the instructions stated on the notification letter, relevant licensees or permittees may choose to renew and pay the fee through the "Online Licence Services" website ( by using "iAM Smart". After completion of the process, the FEHD will mail the original copy of licence or permit to the correspondence address of the licensees or permittees.
Online payment accepts credit cards (Visa, JCB, MasterCard and Union Pay) and PPS payment. After completing an online payment, members of the public should print and retain the acknowledgement page, which contains key information about the transaction or a reference number that will allow them to check the transaction status when necessary.
Meanwhile, licensees or permittees may continue to use the existing renewal methods, which are to visit the Licence Issuing Offices in person, or send by post or pay by e-Cheque.
For relevant press release, please visit
Professional Training on Smart and Green Logistics Scheme and Logistics Promotion Funding Scheme launched and open for application from 8 January 2024
The Transport and Logistics Bureau (TLB) announced on 29 December 2023 the official launch and open for application from 8 January 2024 of the two logistics-related funding schemes, namely the Professional Training on Smart and Green Logistics Scheme and the Logistics Promotion Funding Scheme, under the Maritime and Aviation Training Fund (MATF).
"As outlined in the Action Plan on Modern Logistics Development promulgated on 31 October, our target is to accelerate the high-quality development of logistics industry and develop Hong Kong into a sustainable international smart logistics hub. The launch of the new training and funding schemes, making use of the new injection of $200 million to the MATF, provides more dedicated funding support to strengthen manpower development and promotional efforts of the logistics industry, thereby promoting its sustainable development," a spokesman for the TLB said.
The Professional Training on Smart and Green Logistics Scheme aims to subsidise eligible logistics associations and training/education institutions to organise local training courses on modern, smart and green logistics with a view to supporting in-service practitioners to equip themselves with up-to-date knowledge of smart and green logistics. The scheme will provide subsidies up to 80 per cent of the course fees for each participant, subject to a cap of $6,500.
The Logistics Promotion Funding Scheme, on the other hand, will provide sponsorship up to 100 per cent of the total project costs for local promotional campaigns and activities organised by eligible logistics-related organisations and professional bodies. The scheme provides support to rebrand the modern logistics industry as "Smart, Innovative, High-end" in order to attract more young people to join the industry, as well as promoting the strengths of Hong Kong as an international premier logistics hub to both local and overseas companies.
The Subcommittee on Industry Development and the Subcommittee on Infrastructure and Promotion under the Hong Kong Logistics Development Council will assess and approve applications as well as monitoring and reviewing the implementation of the schemes. The Government will regularly review the use of the funding and the effectiveness of the schemes to ensure that they can keep abreast of the development in the industry.
The schemes will accept applications all year round and details of the schemes are available on the dedicated websites. Interested organisations may contact the Hong Kong Productivity Council, the Implementation Partner of the schemes.
Professional Training on Smart and Green Logistics Scheme
Telephone: 2788 6077
Logistics Promotion Funding Scheme
Telephone: 2788 6077
For relevant press release, please visit
Gazettal of banking amendment rules to implement Basel III reforms
The Banking (Capital) (Amendment) Rules 2023 (BCAR), the Banking (Disclosure) (Amendment) Rules 2023 (BDAR), the Banking (Exposure Limits) (Amendment) Rules 2023 (BELAR), and the Banking (Liquidity) (Amendment) Rules 2023 (BLAR) were gazetted on 29 December 2023 to implement the latest capital standards and associated disclosure requirements promulgated by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) under the Basel III reforms, together with other related updates for the prudential regulation of banks in Hong Kong.
The BCAR and the BDAR mainly implement the final phase of the Basel III reforms to enhance the capital framework in terms of robustness, risk sensitivity and consistency in banks' capital computation, thereby strengthening banks' resilience against possible financial shocks and contagion. The BELAR and the BLAR incorporate consequential updates and related changes of the large exposures and liquidity frameworks.
The opportunity is also taken to include amendments in the BCAR to better address risk exposures of banks, and to introduce the option of a positive neutral countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB) to ensure that the banking system has sufficient releasable buffer against possible system-wide shocks.
A Government spokesperson said, "The amendment rules will complete the implementation of the requirements under the Basel III reforms in Hong Kong. Compliance with the international regulatory standards promulgated by the BCBS will further bolster the resilience of our banking system and reinforce Hong Kong's status as an international financial centre."
A Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) spokesperson added, "In formulating the amendment rules, we have undertaken extensive consultations with the industry and made reference to the implementation approaches adopted by other major jurisdictions. The amendments will strengthen the regulatory regime for banks, with local circumstances taken into account."
The amendment rules will be tabled at the Legislative Council on 10 January 2024. They will take effect on 1 April 2024 and 1 January 2025 respectively.
For relevant press release, please visit
Successful trial run of Guangdong-Hong Kong "Single Submission for Dual Declaration" Scheme on cargo
In proactively implementing the Central Government's support for the integration of Hong Kong into the overall development of the country and promoting the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China (GACC) and Hong Kong Customs are fully boosting the interconnectivity between the two places and extending their areas of co-operation. In November 2023, the two places signed the Co-operative Arrangement on Smart Customs Development between the GACC and Hong Kong Customs, in which the Guangdong-Hong Kong "Single Submission for Dual Declaration" Scheme on cargo was one of the key co-operation projects.
To put in place the Scheme, the two Customs administrations successfully launched a trial run on 27 December 2023, in which a Guangdong and Hong Kong enterprise successfully submitted road cargo information to the two Customs administrations through the Scheme and seamlessly exported cargo from Guangdong to Hong Kong via the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. The Scheme facilitates completing Customs declarations for both the Mainland and Hong Kong sides by making a single submission of cargo information.
The Scheme is a trade facilitation measure built on the China (Guangdong) International Trade Single Window Cargo Declaration System (Guangdong Platform) and the Hong Kong Road Cargo System (Hong Kong Platform). Currently, the Scheme applies to cargo exported from the Mainland to Hong Kong passing through the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Port. Under the Scheme, export cargo information declared by Mainland enterprises through the Guangdong Platform will be encrypted and sent to the Hong Kong Platform, where Hong Kong importers can retrieve the relevant cargo information for submission to the Hong Kong Platform for completion of a local Customs declaration.
The Scheme allows enterprises to submit cargo information direct in one go through its automatic cargo information sharing function. It not only helps enterprises save time and cost from repeated data inputting, but also offers an electronic means for enterprises of both places to achieve efficient Customs declarations. Moreover, the Scheme enhances the accuracy of declarations on cargo information and speeds up the receipt of data for the Customs administrations of both sides, thereby improving Customs clearance efficiency and maximising the cargo processing capacity of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Port.
Under the precondition of Smart Customs Development, Hong Kong Customs will continue to extend the coverage of the Scheme to other control points, actively push forward interconnectivity and expand the areas of co-operation between Customs administrations of the two places, so as to enhance the international competitiveness of the GBA.
For relevant press release, please visit
Open Call for funding applications for investigator-initiated research projects and health promotion projects under HMRF begins
The Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF) administered by the Health Bureau invites funding applications for investigator-initiated research projects and health promotion projects from 28 December 2023 onwards. Applications from locally based tertiary institutions, hospitals, medical schools, non-governmental organisations or other appropriate centres, units and services are invited.
The HMRF aims to build research capacity and to encourage, facilitate and support health and medical research to inform health policies, improve population health, strengthen the healthcare system, enhance healthcare practices, advance the standard and quality of care, and promote clinical excellence, through generation and application of evidence-based scientific knowledge derived from local health and medical research. It also provides funding support to evidence-based health promotion projects that help people adopt healthier lifestyles by enhancing awareness, changing adverse health behaviours and creating a conducive environment that supports good health practices.
The HMRF emphasises the importance of the translational potential of research findings, and therefore supports applications on the following research projects:
Clinical research (including patient-oriented research, epidemiological and behavioural studies, outcomes research and health services research);
Infectious diseases research with public health implications from bench to bedside and at community level and with translational value; and
Clinical research based on Chinese medicine theory or clinical research on Chinese medicine theory and methodology.
Applications in the following areas will be accepted for consideration by the HMRF:
public health, human health and health services (e.g. primary healthcare, non-communicable diseases, Chinese medicine, etc.);
prevention, treatment and control of infectious diseases with public health implications;
advanced medical research which applies advanced technologies to facilitate the translation of knowledge generated from health and health services or infectious diseases studies into clinical practice and to inform health policy; and
health promotion that facilitates mobilisation of local resources to promote good health and prevention of illness in the community.
Higher priority for funding will be given to proposals addressing this year’s thematic priorities, which are infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases, primary healthcare, preventive medicine, telehealth and advanced technology as well as clinical trials and implementation science.
The grant ceiling is $1.5 million per project with a grant duration not exceeding three years. As for larger-scale pilot studies such as those evaluating trialability and scalability for future implementation and small-scale research with achievable objectives, submission can be made to apply for a seed grant which has a grant ceiling of $500,000 per project.
Only one application from each principal applicant is allowed, either a new submission or a resubmission of an application. The principal applicant should be based in a Hong Kong organisation throughout the project period and be employed by the administering institution at the time of submission.
Applications will be subject to a two-tier peer review. The vetting will take into account scientific merit, local relevance, translational potential or value of the proposals, sustainability of health promotion projects, capacity of the administering institutions, track record of applicants, value for money of the proposals and research ethics, where applicable.
Completed electronic application forms should be submitted via the electronic Grant Management System (eGMS) on or before 6pm on 28 March 2024 (Hong Kong time). Briefing sessions and training workshops for grant applications, to be held in January 2024, are now open for registration.
Details are now available on the website of the Research Fund Secretariat. Enquiries can be made by e-mail to
For relevant press release, please visit
Government promulgates Action Plan on Maritime and Port Development Strategy
The Government promulgated the Action Plan on Maritime and Port Development Strategy on 20 December 2023 to formulate strategies and action measures to support the sustainable development needs of the maritime and port industry in Hong Kong, with a view to enhancing the long-term competitiveness of the industry.
The Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Mr Lam Sai-hung, said, "With its superior geographical location, unique institutional advantages, free economic system and rich experience of international business and trade, Hong Kong is well-positioned to become the world's leading international maritime centre (IMC). Our target is to strengthen the competitiveness of Hong Kong Port and accelerate the growth of Hong Kong's high value-added maritime services cluster with a view to entrenching Hong Kong's status as an IMC."
The National 14th Five-Year Plan and the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area explicitly support the status of Hong Kong Port and the development of high value-added maritime services for better integration into the national development course. The Action Plan sets out 10 strategies and 32 action measures in four directions: enhancing port competitiveness; strengthening high value-added maritime services; enhancing promotion of Hong Kong maritime brand and grooming talent; and enhancing the support of the Hong Kong Maritime and Port Board (HKMPB), to consolidate and enhance Hong Kong's position as an IMC. To enhance the competitiveness of Hong Kong Port, the TLB will spare no effort in developing Hong Kong as a green and smart port. From the three aspects of "vessels", "cargoes" and "destinations", the TLB will holistically attract cargoes from around the world to make use of Hong Kong Port and collectively tackle the challenges in relation to the zero-carbon emission target of the global maritime industry. The relevant strategies and action measures are listed in the Annex.
"The Action Plan provides important and clear directions for the future development of the maritime and port industry in Hong Kong. We will, in collaboration with the HKMPB, work with stakeholders in the maritime and port industry to implement the strategies and action measures formulated in the Action Plan in phases. To ensure that the strategies can respond to the challenges and opportunities brought about by market changes, we will also continue to review the implementation progress of the relevant strategies and their effectiveness," Mr Lam continued.
The TLB has consulted the HKMPB and various stakeholders of the maritime and port industry to refine the maritime and port development strategies when formulating the Action Plan. The TLB expressed its deep appreciation to the HKMPB and industry players for their valuable views.
For relevant press release, please visit
Topical Issues
Support Measures relating to Liquidity
In view of the cash-flow pressure of SMEs, SUCCESS has compiled a summary of support measures relating to liquidity.
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SME ReachOut
“SME ReachOut”, a dedicated service team operated by HKPC, has commenced operation since 1 January 2020 to enhance SMEs’ understanding of the Government’s funding schemes, with a view to encouraging better utilisation of the support provided by the Government. The team would help SMEs identify funding schemes that suit their needs, and answer questions relating to applications.
The Government has allocated $100 million to enhance the services of “SME ReachOut” for five years starting from 2023. The enhanced services have rolled out in October 2023, including arranging visits to more chambers of commerce, commercial and industrial buildings and co-working spaces, and increasing the publicity in social media so as to step up the promotion of government funding schemes. At the same time, more one-on-one consultation sessions will be provided to assist SMEs in applying for government funding and building their capacities, and enhancing their competitiveness through leveraging new technologies.
For further information or enquiries on “SME ReachOut”, please contact “SME ReachOut” Hotline / WhatsApp (Text Message Only) at 2788 6868 or email by or visit
Dedicated Fund on Branding, Upgrading and Domestic Sales (BUD Fund)
Following the signing of the Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement between Hong Kong and Türkiye, the geographical scope of funding support of the BUD Fund has been extended to Türkiye with effect from 31 October 2023 to further support Hong Kong enterprises in developing their businesses in the market. The total number of economies covered under the BUD Fund is thereby increased to 381 .
The HKPC as the BUD Fund implementation partner regularly organises seminars/webinars in order to enhance enterprises’ understanding of the BUD Fund, including "Easy BUD". For more details of the BUD Fund, please visit its website ( or contact the HKPC at 2788 6088.
1Besides the newly added economy of Türkiye, the other 37 economies covered under the BUD Fund are the Mainland, New Zealand, the four member states of the European Free Trade Association (i.e. Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland), Chile, Macao, the ten member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (comprising Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam), Georgia, Australia, Austria, Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, Mexico, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom.
Corruption Prevention Advisory Service (CPAS) of ICAC
A good governance system is vital for SMEs' effective operation, and can help sustain their company image and hence counterparts' confidence in doing business with them. The Corruption Prevention Department of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) has launched the Corruption Prevention Advisory Service (CPAS). The CPAS is a specialised unit dedicated to providing tailor-made, free and confidential corruption prevention advice on system control in common business areas such as procurement and staff administration. Enterprises can access its user-friendly web portal ( for details of the services and to get timely and useful resources on corruption prevention such as staff code of conduct, corruption prevention guides and tools, case studies, quick tips and red flags. To receive regular updates on corruption prevention, please click here to subscribe to the CPAS e-news.
Free IP Consultation Service
The IPD, supported by the Law Society of Hong Kong, now provides FREE One-On-One IP Consultation Service for SMEs. To obtain more information and/or apply for the Service, please visit IPD's dedicated website "Hong Kong – Regional IP Trading Centre":
Business News
GDETO Newsletter
The latest issue of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Guangdong (GDETO) Newsletter has been published.
More Details (in Chinese only)
Commercial Information Circulars (CICs) of the Mainland
The TID issued a number of Commercial Information Circulars (CICs) on the Mainland's trade and economic rules and regulations. The latest CICs have been published.
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