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20 May 2020

What's New
Topical Issues
Business News

The Support and Consultation Centre for SMEs (SUCCESS) is an information and advisory centre for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) run by the Trade and Industry Department (TID).  If you are looking for free business information and practical consultation services, please visit SUCCESS.

Our Website's address is

Our customer hotline is : (852) 2398 5133.

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What's New

Event Calendar of the SME Centres

To enhance the integrated services of the four existing SME Centres, including SUCCESS under the Trade and Industry Department, the "SME Centre" under the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), "SME One" under the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) and "TecONE" under the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, SUCCESS has launched an "Event Calendar of the SME Centres" on its website. The Event Calendar facilitates enterprises to obtain information on seminars/workshops/activities organised by the four SME Centres from a single platform, and also provides links to the relevant event web pages to facilitate registration.

Please click here to browse the Event Calendar of the SME Centres. 

Support Measures relating to Liquidity

In view of the cash-flow pressure of SMEs, SUCCESS has compiled a summary of support measures relating to liquidity.

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Business Support Measures Amid Economic Challenges 

The HKSAR Government has announced various measures totalling $287.5 billion in the 2020/21 Budget and two rounds of Anti-epidemic Fund to assist the industries and the public affected by the novel coronavirus epidemic.  For details, please click here.  As for the earlier measures to support the business community to cope with the economic challenges, please click here for details.

SME ReachOut

Amid difficult business environment, HKPC knows SMEs are in the urgent need of cash to keep business running.  The newly established "SME ReachOut" support team is here to help SMEs well equip for bouncing back, through introducing and matching the appropriate funding schemes. 

"SME ReachOut", a dedicated service team operated by HKPC, has commenced operation starting from 1 January 2020 to support SMEs through free-of-charge one-on-one meetings.  The team would help SMEs identify funding schemes that suit their needs, while answering questions relating to applications.  

There are over 40 funding schemes provided by the Government for SMEs, with different funding scopes, amounts and requirements.  "SME ReachOut" serves to enhance SME's understanding of the Government's funding schemes, with a view to encouraging better utilisation of the support provided by the Government, and to enhancing their competitiveness and development.  

For enquiries, please contact "SME ReachOut" hotline at 2788 6262 or email at 


SUCCESS Seminars

Webinar: "Support SMEs : SME Export Marketing Fund (EMF)"

(This webinar will be live-streamed on 22 May 2020)

The SME Export Marketing Fund (EMF) aims to encourage SMEs to expand their markets outside Hong Kong by providing financial assistance for their participation in export promotion activities.  In this webinar, representative from the Trade and Industry Department will introduce the EMF and its latest enhancements, and also answer some frequently asked questions. (This webinar will be conducted in Cantonese.)

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Webinar: "Complete Guide on Technology Voucher Programme (TVP)"

(This webinar will be live-streamed on 26 May 2020)

In today’s ever-changing business environment, technological services and solutions are the key to improving operational efficiency and staying competitive.  Technology Voucher Programme (TVP) aims to subsidise non-listed local enterprises in using technological services and solutions to improve productivity, upgrade or transform their business processes.  In this webinar, representative from the Innovation and Technology Commission will introduce the programme and its latest enhancements.  The speaker will also answer some frequently asked questions. 

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Trade and Industry Department / SUCCESS-supported Activities

Webinar on "Learn More About 'Distance Business (D-Biz) Programme'"

(This webinar will be live-streamed on 21 May 2020)

This webinar is organised by the Hong Kong Brand Development Council.  SUCCESS is one of the supporting organisations.  This webinar will introduce the details of assessment criteria and application procedures of the D-Biz Programme under the Anti-Epidemic Fund (This webinar will be conducted in Cantonese.)

More Details (in Chinese only)

Free Webinar on "Retail Sector in a Time of Crisis, Learn How to Apply for Government Funding for Digital Transformation & Adoption of O2O"

(This webinar will be live-streamed on 21 May 2020)

This webinar is organised by GS1 HK.  SUCCESS is one of the supporting organisations.  This webinar will introduce smart retail technologies and solutions, as well as various Government funding schemes, including the Technology Voucher Programme and the Distance Business Programme.

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Dedicated Fund on Branding, Upgrading and Domestic Sales (BUD Fund)

BUD Fund provides funding support to individual non-listed Hong Kong enterprises in undertaking projects to develop brands, upgrade and restructure their business operations and promote sales in the Mainland and ASEAN* markets, so as to enhance their competitiveness and facilitate their business development in these markets. 

To strengthen support to enterprises in exploring new markets and new business opportunities, TID rolled out a new round of enhancement measures to the BUD Fund in January 2020.  The enhancement measures include extending the geographical coverage of the Fund to all economies with which Hong Kong has signed Free Trade Agreements (FTAs)**; increasing the cumulative funding ceiling per enterprise to $4 million, including $2 million for projects in the Mainland and $2 million for projects in ASEAN and other FTA markets; and increasing the ratio of initial payment from 25% to up to 75% of the total approved government funding.

Further enhancements to the BUD Fund have been effective since 9 April 2020, including the removal of the geographical demarcation for each enterprise in undertaking projects in the Mainland and other economies which have signed FTAs with Hong Kong ($2 million cumulative funding each).  Enterprises can flexibly make use of the total funding of up to $4 million to undertake projects in the Mainland or other economies which have signed FTAs with Hong Kong.  Besides, enterprises participating in virtual exhibitions organised by Government-related organisations or reputable exhibition organisers with good track records are eligible for funding support under the BUD Fund.

HKPC has been engaged as the implementation partner of the BUD Fund to implement the funding scheme.  Please contact the HKPC at 2788 6088 or visit the official website of the BUD Fund ( for details of the funding scheme.  HKPC also regularly organises seminars at the Council (HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong) in order to enhance enterprises’ understanding of the BUD Fund.  

* ASEAN comprises Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam.

* *Including the Mainland, New Zealand, the four member states of the European Free Trade Association (i.e. Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland), Chile, Macao, the ten member states of ASEAN, Georgia and Australia.

Public Consultation on the Review of the Statutory Minimum Wage Rate

The Minimum Wage Commission is conducting an eight-week public consultation to invite views from various sectors of the community on the review of the Statutory Minimum Wage rate on or before 16 June 2020.

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Work Arrangements in Times of Adverse Weather Conditions

The "Code of Practice in Times of Typhoons and Rainstorms" (COP) published by the Labour Department aims at alerting employers to work out with employees as early as possible the reasonable and practical work arrangements in times of typhoons, rainstorm warnings or "extreme conditions" after super typhoons, as well as under other adverse weather conditions and be flexible and sympathetic with due consideration to the actual circumstances.  The COP also provides reference guidelines to employers and employees on the work and resumption of work arrangements in the event of the Government issuing the new post-super typhoon "extreme conditions" announcement.

Code of Practice in Times of Typhoons and Rainstorms
Gist of Possible Government Announcement on "Extreme Conditions" after Super Typhoons

Corruption Prevention Advisory Service (CPAS) of ICAC 

A good governance system is vital for SMEs' effective operation, and can help sustain their company image and hence counterparts' confidence in doing business with them.  The Corruption Prevention Department of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) has launched the Corruption Prevention Advisory Service (CPAS). The CPAS is a specialised unit dedicated to providing tailor-made, free and confidential corruption prevention advice on system control in common business areas such as procurement and staff administration.  Enterprises can access its user-friendly web portal ( for details of the services and to get timely and useful resources on corruption prevention such as staff code of conduct, corruption prevention guides and tools, case studies, quick tips and red flags.

To receive regular updates on corruption prevention, please click
 here to subscribe to the CPAS e-news.

Free IP Consultation Service

The Intellectual Property Department (IPD), supported by the Law Society of Hong Kong, now provides FREE One-On-One IP Consultation Service for SMEs.  To obtain more information and/or apply for the Service, please visit IPD's dedicated website "Hong Kong - The IP Trading Hub":

Topical Issues

Video Show of SME Seminars

In order to reduce the risk of the spread of the novel coronavirus in the community, SUCCESS will not provide "Video Show of SME Seminars" for the public until further notice. 

New Marketing Trends Workshop on "Exploring Mainland Market via WeChat Marketing"

(This workshop will be live-streamed on 21 May 2020) 

This workshop is organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.  At the workshop, guest speaker will share how Hong Kong SMEs can use WeChat to explore the Mainland market so as to establish cross-border business through live webcast. (This workshop will be conducted in Cantonese.)

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Seminar on "ISO 41001: 2018 Facility Management Standard – How does it Help Improve Productivity and Provide a Better Quality of Life in Your Business?"

(24 June 2020 at Federation of Hong Kong Industries)

This seminar is organised by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries. This seminar will explore how corporate heads and facility management personnel can adopt a new Risk-based thinking approach in facility management to optimise management methods, improve operational efficiency and workplace environment, health and safety, so as to enhance a company’s productivity and competitive advantages continuously.  (Admission fee is required. This seminar will be conducted in Cantonese)

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Business News

GDETO Newsletter

The latest issue of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Guangdong (GDETO) Newsletter has been published.

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Commercial Information Circulars (CICs) of the Mainland

The Trade and Industry Department issued a number of Commercial Information Circulars (CICs) on the Mainland's trade and economic rules and regulations. The latest CICs have been published. 

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