Business Licence Information Service
Human Health & Social Work Services
Please select ONE of the following business types:
- Centre/Home - Community & Welfare Centre (For Family, Juvenile, Aged/Elderly, Street Sleepers, Marriage Advisory Service)
- Centre/Home - Treatment Centre for the Drug Addicts
- Child Care Centre
- Childminder
- Education or Welfare Funds, Foundations & Development Projects
- Healthcare Outreach Establishment - Visiting Nursing Practice
- Human (artificial) reproductive technology procedures or embryo research (incl. handling, storing or disposing of gametes or embryos used or intended to be used in related procedure or research)
- Manufacturer of Pharmaceutical Product
- Medical Establishment - Medical Practitioner or Dentist, Private Practice
- Medical Establishment - Chinese Herbalist, Bone-Setter, Acupuncturist
- Medical Establishment - Clinic, Medical, Dental, Pathological & X-Ray Laboratory
- Medical Establishment - Clinical Management Service, Dental & Medical Health Scheme
- Medical Establishment - Day Procedure Centre
- Medical Establishment - Dental Technician, Midwife, Nurse or Speech-Therapist, Private Practice
- Medical Establishment - Dietician, Private Practice
- Medical Establishment - Hospital
- Medical Establishment - Maternity Home
- Medical Establishment - Physiotherapist & Physiotherapy Clinic
- Mutual Help Child Care Centre
- Residential Care Homes for Persons with Disabilities
- Residential Care Homes for The Elderly
- Veterinarian or Veterinary Service
You may also contact SUCCESS for any enquiries.