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Business Licence Information Services
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Temples, Churches, Mosques & Other Religious Institution
If your business involves the following situations, you may need to apply for specific licence(s). Please put a √ in the appropriate box(es) for further information:
You will install or alter chimney, oven or furnace with consumption rate exceeding 25 litres (liquid), 35 kilograms (solid) or 1150 Megajoules (gas) per hour.
Your business entity will operate as a company with limited liability in Hong Kong.
Your company is incorporated outside Hong Kong and planning to establish a place of business in Hong Kong.
You will organize/conduct fund-raising lottery ticket sales for charities, non-profit making organizations or functions.
(a) Your premsies are used, or claimed, represented or held out to be used, for keeping ashes (b) Your premises do not fall within the categories under Sections 4 to 7 of the Private Columbaria Ordinance (Cap 630) (c) You will sell or newly let out niches (d) Your premises were in operation after 8 a.m. on 18 June 2014 (the cut-off time)
(a) Your premsies are used, or claimed, represented or held out to be used, for keeping ashes (b) Your premises do not fall within the categories under Section 4 to 7 of the Private Columbaria Ordinance (Cap 630) (c) You will sell or newly let out niches (d) Your premises were in operation, in which ashes were interred in niches, immediately before 8 a.m. on 18 June 2014 (the cut-off time)
(a) Your premsies are used, or claimed, represented or held out to be used, for keeping ashes (b) Your premises do not fall within the categories under Section 4 to 7 of the Private Columbaria Ordinance (Cap 630) (c) You will not sell or newly let out niches in the future (d) Your premises were in operation (with at least one set of ashes interred in any niche or a niche sold) before 1 January 1990 (e) There is no sale or new letting out of niches since 8 a.m. on 18 June 2014 (the cut-off time)
(a) Your premsies are used, or claimed, represented or held out to be used, for keeping ashes (b) Your premises do not fall within the categories under Section 4 to 7 of the Private Columbaria Ordinance (Cap 630) (c) Your premises were in operation, in which ashes were interred in niches, immediately before 8 a.m. on 18 June 2014 (the cut-off time) (d) You will apply for a licence and / or an exemption in respect of a pre-cut-off columbarium